03 March 2025
ebs: intel Changes for 4.31
The following key product changes have been made to ebs: intel:

The following charts can now be selected in the Chart tab:
Spline Chart
Spider Chart
Doughnut Sunburst
Enter a URL link (including the 'http://' or 'https://' prefix) to display the output on the dashboard.
The following table describes the recommended use for each chart type (including existing ones).
Use this chart | For this purpose... |
Bar Chart | When you want to compare value sizes. |
Stacked Bar Chart | When you want to view proportions, the data is multi-dimensional and the proportion is more important than absolute value. |
100% Stacked Bar Chart | When you want to view proportions, the data is multi-dimensional and the absolute value is more important than proportion. |
Column Chart | When you want to compare value sizes and you have long labels or want to show rankings. |
Stacked Column Chart | When you want to view proportions, the data is multi-dimensional and the absolute value is more important than proportion. |
100% Stacked Column Chart | When you want to view proportions, the data is multi-dimensional and the proportion is more important than absolute value. |
Area Chart | When you want to look at continuous values or trends over time. |
Spline Area Chart | When you want to look at continuous values or trends over time. |
Step Area Chart | When you want to look at continuous values or trends over time and highlight the irregularity of changes. |
Line Chart | When you want to look at continuous values or trends over time. |
Spline Chart | When you want to look at continuous values or trends over time. |
Step Line Chart | When you want to look at continuous values or trends over time and highlight the irregularity of changes. |
Combined Chart | When you want to look at a correlation (or lack thereof) between data sets. |
Scatter Chart | When you want to look at the relationship between two numerical values. |
Bubble Chart | When you want to look at the relationship between three numerical values. |
Pie Chart | When you want to view proportions and the data is single-dimensional. |
Doughnut Chart | When you want to view proportions and the data is single-dimensional. |
Spider Chart | When you want to look at multiple performance measures. |
Radar Chart | When you want to look at multiple performance measures. |
Wind Rose | When you want to look at multiple performance measures. |
Treemap | When the data is hierarchical. |
Sunburst | When you want to view proportions, the data is multi-dimensional and the absolute value is more important than proportion. |
Doughnut Sunburst | When you want to view proportions, the data is multi-dimensional and the absolute value is more important than proportion. |
Funnel Chart | When you want to look at completion stages. |
Pyramid Chart | When you want to show data in a progressive order. |
Speedometer | When you are looking at a single value and the range where the value falls is important. |
Traffic Light | When you are looking at a single value and only the current status is important. |
Lightbulb | When you are looking at a single value and only the current status is important. |
Map | When the data is geographical and the precise location is important. |
Heat Map | When the data is geographical and loose clustering is important. |
Table | When exact values are important. |
Rotated Table | When exact values are important. |
Analytics | When you want to be told what the most important characteristics are. |
Iframe | When you want to embed HTML. |
Refer to piDocumentation for further information about Panintelligence release notes.